Saturday, May 29, 2010

Obviously Showing

I had another first today. A total stranger asked me when I was due. Yes, I am now officially showing enough for complete strangers to ask about my baby bump. Up until now the bump I've been sporting could go either way (is it a baby bump or a food bump?) and no one wants to be THAT person. But I am now apparently beyond the "is she or isn't she" phase.
I also feel Ridley moving around quite a bit every day. It's nothing very strong, just moderate flutters. But she lets me know she's there now and that's a crazy feeling. Now that I am able to feel Ridley and see my belly getting larger, it's becoming pretty real.

Friday, May 21, 2010

What's in a Name?

As some of you already know, Phil and I have decided on a name for BB:

Ridley Yvonne Buehler

Phil came up with Ridley, of which he is very very proud. And Yvonne is my and my mom's middle name. I wasn't sold on Ridley at first, but I'm growing to really love it. It's feminine yet strong. And of course the middle name was never a question as long as BB was a girl. It honors both my mother and my nana whom originally loved the name and picked it for her first little one.

See you in September/October, Ridley!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Doing Great!

I'm hitting week 21 tomorrow and feeling great. I've gotten a job as scripty on a local independent feature so I've been working hard, but making sure to eat well throughout the day. Phil even packed me lunch so I'd be sure to eat healthy while I worked. I felt like I was going to kindergarden! Here are some pictures of me this week. I still plan to post the video of the ultrasound, but working 12 hour days this month doesn't afford much free time and when I have time to rest, I do!
This is 20 weeks and 4 days.

This is after a work day this week.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's a Girl!

Hope you all weren't hoping for some sort of spoiler free update! Phil and I went for the ultrasound yesterday and were told we're having a little girl. I have video of the entire ultrasound too, but it needs some editing. So in the meantime here are the pictures they let us take home:

It looks like she's sucking her thumb, but the ultrasound technician said she wasn't. She just had her hand close to her face.

BB had her hands in front of her face through most of the ultrasound. As if she were saying, "Please, no pictures. I'm not ready yet!"

She's kicking out in this one! This is an upside down profile of her leg and foot. Upside down because she was pretty much doing somersaults throughout the ultrasound. And I didn't feel a thing!

This is the bottom of her feet. She has her legs crossed so the feet are backwards! Already a little lady.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Making Room

For this upcoming week my main goal is to get my decorating and painting on. My very talented and artistic neighbor has agreed to help me with a mural in the soon-to-be nursery (very excited about it!). Before we can get started I have to rearrange and redecorate our other two bedrooms so that we can clear out the now-office to make space for this nursery. In preparation, I have been cleaning and gathering painting supplies.
Meanwhile, BB is apparently also in a decorating mood because for the past two days that's all (s)he seems to be doing in there! I still haven't felt BB move, but I've been feeling the "growing pains" along my sides. It feels like BB is going, "Okay, let's move the gall blander up here a bit, let's get these other organs out of the way and how does the kidney look over there?" I definitely feel the progress being made. Make way for the growing uterus!
We're both doing our part.