Our final ultrasound went well last Friday. Phil and I had confirmation that Ridley is still a girl. So, no change there! Also, they got a great look at the heart (the whole reason we had an additional ultrasound) and I think everything looks great. I'll post a couple of those pictures in the next few days along with crib pictures! We've had the crib and dresser set up in the nursery for a while now, but we still have to get the crib decked out in sheets and whatnot.
On Saturday Phil and I went to our second childbirth class where Phil got to torture me with ice cubes. It was supposed to simulate (to a small degree) a contraction so that I could practice breathing and relaxing through it and Phil could practice supporting me.
During one of the simulations, Phil was instructed to talk me through the "contraction." He was supposed to say something nurturing or encouraging or simply something to distract me from the pain. But he wasn't supposed to say something funny (I guess laughing while your stomach is contracting isn't conducive to setting your body at ease).
Of course as soon as he started talking, I smiled and kind of "quiet laughed." I couldn't help it! I have a funny husband. But we sort of got reprimanded from the instructor. "Remember: try not to make her laugh." Oops.
She said that it always happens that there's one couple who laugh the first time and she can always pick them out. She said she knew it would be us! I'm not sure what that's supposed to say about us, but with getting reprimanded this past week and Phil falling asleep during relaxation the week before, I'm not sure we're the head couple of the class! Still, we're learning a lot, getting motivated and having fun with it.