Friday, July 23, 2010

Best Furniture in the House

Phil and I got our nursery furniture and immediately set it up. Not so immediately: posting the pictures to the blog and getting all the other room decorations in place.

So it's a work in progress, but here are some preliminary shots!

30 weeks and 2 days

Another belly photo to add to the collection! Bigger every day. EVERY DAY! :-) Did I mention that Ridley was estimated to weigh 3 and a half pounds at this point?! I think I did...

30 weeks 2 days

Last Picture of Ridley in My Tummy!

Here is the ultrasound photo from July 9th. I'm sparring you all (and Ridley's future embarrassment) from the photo that shows off the fact that Ridley is a girl. You all will just have to trust me on that one! The "dot" in the photo is Ridley's balled up hand.

28 weeks, 3 days

Phil and I also had a checkup this past Wednesday. Everything is going well! I'm measuring right on track, Ridley's heartbeat is good (in the 130s), and she's kicking and moving all the time. According to the ultrasound, the midwife is estimating that Ridley is already 3 and a half pounds (at 30 weeks). That was bigger than I thought! And she said that she'll at least double by the time I deliver.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Another Hormonal Episode

I realized yesterday that I have neglected to post a single photo of Philip on this blog. How narcissistic of me! I told Philip last night that I was sorry for not including his image in our baby blog. Without any hesitation he mockingly told me that he would be doing his own blog, an "unblog" where he would put up photos of himself looking hurt and sad and he'd call it "Where's My Space?"
I can't tell you how hard I laughed at this. Granted I have a funny husband, but I think my hormones were working overtime last night. I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe. I was crying and causing the dogs to stare at me. I needed a tissue when I was done!
But I have to say, if I'm going to have my hormones drive my emotions, I'd rather them make me laugh than make me cry.

Still Team Pink! and Giggles During Class

Our final ultrasound went well last Friday. Phil and I had confirmation that Ridley is still a girl. So, no change there! Also, they got a great look at the heart (the whole reason we had an additional ultrasound) and I think everything looks great. I'll post a couple of those pictures in the next few days along with crib pictures! We've had the crib and dresser set up in the nursery for a while now, but we still have to get the crib decked out in sheets and whatnot.
On Saturday Phil and I went to our second childbirth class where Phil got to torture me with ice cubes. It was supposed to simulate (to a small degree) a contraction so that I could practice breathing and relaxing through it and Phil could practice supporting me.
During one of the simulations, Phil was instructed to talk me through the "contraction." He was supposed to say something nurturing or encouraging or simply something to distract me from the pain. But he wasn't supposed to say something funny (I guess laughing while your stomach is contracting isn't conducive to setting your body at ease).
Of course as soon as he started talking, I smiled and kind of "quiet laughed." I couldn't help it! I have a funny husband. But we sort of got reprimanded from the instructor. "Remember: try not to make her laugh." Oops.
She said that it always happens that there's one couple who laugh the first time and she can always pick them out. She said she knew it would be us! I'm not sure what that's supposed to say about us, but with getting reprimanded this past week and Phil falling asleep during relaxation the week before, I'm not sure we're the head couple of the class! Still, we're learning a lot, getting motivated and having fun with it.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Growing, growing, growing

Our first childbirth class went pretty well. After I got a full body massage from Philip, I knew it was the class for us! We mostly went over nutrition, exercise and relaxation techniques for the first session and Phil got into the relaxation section a little too much when he almost started snoring! This week's class is supposed to get more involved in labor scenarios, so I don't think Phil will get a chance to snore this time around.

I'm 28 weeks today (7 months!). These are the belly photos Phil took of Ridley and me today.

She was very active yesterday (probably because I wasn't!) and I felt her constantly throughout the day. It must have been her post July 4th rock 'n roll day while it was Philip and my post July 4th sit and relax day!

28 Weeks

Today she's settled back down a bit, but her movements are still very constant. She mostly moves after I've settled down.

In upcoming news, I get my Rhogam shot tomorrow and Phil and I have another ultrasound on Friday. It will be the last time we get a sneak peak at Ridley before her birthday!

Monday, July 5, 2010

July 4th Rocking Chair Project

Aunt Elizabeth (Philip's 10 year old sister) came to visit on July 4th for the day. After going to the pool and before going to see some fireworks, she helped paint Ridley's rocking chair. Elizabeth picked out the colors and painted Ridley's name on the rocker. I know Ridley will appreciate it one day!

This kid is already getting lots of love!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Hello Third Trimester!

I'm 27 weeks and 2 days into my pregnancy aka the beginning of my last trimester. This pregnancy has gone so quickly! And yet I still feel that I have a long way to go. Maybe not in regards to time, but in regards to physical growth I have a lot before me! I look back at the picture of me at 23 weeks (only a month ago!) and I already see major growth. Every single day I wake up and it seems that Ridley has gotten a little bit bigger and made a little more room for herself in my midsection.
I also have appointments and classes galore ahead of me. This Saturday Phil and I are starting our childbirth classes. We're attending classes that teach the Bradley Method with a local childbirth educator and yoga instructor. Next month we have a Meet and Greet with a local pediatrician (anyone have pediatrician referrals in the Wilmington area?!). We'll also be taking a tour of the hospital and preregistering next month. And of course I want to find time to go to a local La Leche League meeting to get the best advice on breastfeeding.
In the meantime, I've started back work at OTH and it's going well. I found out that I'm not the only pregnant person at work. There are four other women besides me who are currently pregnant. "Don't drink the water" jokes have been getting good use here!
Adios second trimester.