Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Learning to Walk and Talk

A few weeks ago, Ridley started saying "Bah-bah-bah-bah!" with every "bye-bye" wave. I thought it was cute, but wasn't sure if I could count it as her first word. Then, one morning last week I was bringing her into our bed with her bottle, as I do in the mornings before we start our day, and as soon as she saw Phil she exclaimed, "Dah-dah-dah-dah!!" After a few days of consistent "Dah-dah"s around Phil, I'm finally willing to admit that she has said her first word. It could just be her new sound she's trying out, but she seems to know that it means her Daddy. And every time I say "Ma-ma! Ma-ma," to her, she looks at Phil and screams, "Dah-dah! Dah-dah-dah-dah!"

She is also getting very stable at standing and pulling up to a stand. She cruises around on the furniture and she tries very hard to climb out of the tub every night. If we had stairs, she'd be climbing them for sure! She loves to grab my hands and "walk" me around the house.

Here's a picture of Ridley and her grandma doing just that at our yard sale last weekend.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Ridley was seen by an ENT this morning. A total of four ear infections (three in one month!) brought us to the appointment. As it turns out and as we suspected, she needs to have tubes inserted into her ears. The fluid just simply isn't draining. Phil had to have tubes when he was a young child and his family has a history of ear problems.
I hoped that we wouldn't have to go to this extreme, but I know for sure that it is the best thing for Ridley. The poor thing has had a ton of fluid in her ears for well over a month now. Hopefully we can schedule the procedure ASAP.
The ENT doctor said that many children make big jumps in speech after having tubes for the simple reason that they can finally hear! Ridley can hear now, but everything sounds muffled to her. There isn't any long term damage so far, and we definitely want to keep it that way.

First Rule of Fight Club is...

She has teeth, and she knows how to use them! Watch out!

No worries, she isn't really biting. She just looks fierce in this photo, showing off her two bottom teeth.

Happy 4th of July!

What do you get when you drag your tired husband off the couch from his nap to force a family photo on July 4th?

Hope everyone had a great 4th of July! This was the first 4th that Phil and I have EVER spent together not working. At least one of us has always worked or we've worked together on the 4th. This was the first time we've ever spent it together doing nothing, enjoying the day (in 10 years!). We spent it being lazy, and it was wonderful.

"Come on, Mom. It's Independence Day and I'm still not allowed to play in the dog bowls?!"

Crab Walking on the Shore

Summer time, and the livin's easy.

Here's a video of Phil and his girls hitting the beach, doing some crab walking, and taking in the water.