Saturday, September 24, 2011

Almost a Year and Walking Better Every Day

(Video taken a few days ago).

Today Phil and I brought Ridley along with us to a friend's wedding. I was originally going to get a babysitter, but after not being able to find one, we decided to bring her with us instead of not attending. I was nervous about it, but she did really well. The wedding was outside in their backyard overlooking the sound. Ridley loved seeing all the people, listening to the music and being able to show off her walking skills. I think she gained speed after tonight! She saw a dog at one point and really went running after it while yelling, "D'oh! D'oh!" [Translation: "Dog! Dog!"]
I hope she has that much fun at her birthday party. It's only 2 weeks away!

Friday, September 23, 2011

A New Way to Apply Diaper Cream

One day a couple of weeks ago, I walked into Ridley's nursery to find Phil applying some diaper cream during a diaper change. His method had me in stitches on the floor. He squeezed the tube directly onto her little butt and then squeezed her butt checks together repeatedly to spread the cream around.
I dropped to the floor laughing. Ridley didn't know what was going on and Phil insisted it wasn't that funny. He claimed he didn't want to touch her because the diaper rash was so bad he didn't want to hurt her. That may well be true, but it didn't make it any less funny to me (her diaper rash has since gone away).

Monday, September 12, 2011

Walking Around

Here's a video of Ridley walking around the kitchen. I took this about a week ago. She's getting a little more steady and can walk pretty long distances now. And she really is into everything!