Thursday, November 15, 2012

BB 2.0!

So far, this pregnancy has been a bit different.  I am 15 weeks and 3 days.  I am certainly showing earlier than the first time around.  To be expected, I hear.  During the first trimester, I was slightly nauseous all day and utterly exhausted.  I remember the exhaustion with my pregnancy with Ridley, but definitely not the nausea.  I am still pretty tired most days.  I remember feeling much more energetic as soon as I hit the second trimester last time.  But my midwife said that I'll probably hit my stride by week 20.  That's another difference: I have a new midwife.  I'm still seeing the other three midwives, but they've added a fourth midwife to the practice.  It's very exciting.  Wilmington needs all the midwives it can get.  And she seems very nice, informed and intelligent.
I'm working right now, and that always takes up a lot of my time and my concentration.  But on my days off, the pregnancy has me thinking a bit about my mom.  She passed away this past July and as it turns out, I got pregnant right around the same time.  There isn't much more to be said about that.  Only that we miss her and she certainly won't be forgotten.

We'll be finding out if we're having another girl or if we're having a boy at our next appointment in December.  Babe numero dos, BB 2.0!  Here we go...

It's Almost been a year...

Oops.  I sort of, almost, let an entire year pass by without posting on the blog.  I have to say, I have sort of done it on purpose.  I started writing letters to Ridley instead.  More personal ruminations on her growth and development that I write in a letter format to some future Ridley, whom I imagine will read them one day and appreciate her truly wonderful, something like that.  I email them to myself and in that way, I feel I can be a little more personal.
But now...
I'm pregnant again!  Yay!  Wahoo!  So I feel the obligation to track my second pregnancy as I did my first.  If for no other reason than to say, "See.  I tracked 'em both."  Though of course, this time around I feel I have much less time to keep up with it, and will consequently most likely not be as thorough.   It's the thought that counts, though, yeah?