Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The First Hormonal Breakdown

It was about three and a half weeks ago. It seemingly came out of no where. I was unprepared. Phil was definitely unprepared.
It was a Friday or Saturday night and I had gone to bed early (feeling very tired as usual), and Phil had come to bed a couple hours later. When he came in, he started to move around in the room, let the dogs in, set his alarm clock. The dogs jumped into the bed and were walking over me and laying on me. Phil asked me what time I was getting up in the morning...
And I just start crying. Not a weak cry. But a strong, can't hardly breathe, my face is drenched cry. A wailing cry. An "I immediately can't breathe through my nose anymore" cry. A "who's the crazy woman?" cry.
Phil asks me what's wrong and I reply, "I just want to sleep! I just want to go to sleep!" Poor Philip, right? Except at this point he laughs at me. I didn't take that well. I shove him and say in between sobs, "That's not helping!"
I had no idea why I was crying, and even asked out loud in the dark, "Why...[sob][sob]...I...[sob]...crying?!" I had no idea where the tears were coming from or why they were coming. But they did! It was like I got ran over by a hormone filled truck and I had no more control over my tear ducts.
Five minutes or so later, after Phil had fetched some kleenex and I had calmed down, I apologized to Phil for completely flipping on him. He told me he understood: I wanted to sleep. And after that, I did.
Very well I might add.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Officially a Second Trimester-er

Today I'm 14 weeks! That means I'm officially in my second trimester. I say "officially" but a lot of books/people/websites say 13 weeks marks the second trimester, yet some say 14. So, I'm going with the most conservative estimate. Plus, when I had my first ultrasound (at 8 weeks) it indicated I might be a little earlier than my due date estimates. So just playing it safe.
Goodbye first trimester!
Hello second!

Monday, March 29, 2010

How We Told Our Moms

After the initial shock and surprise had worn off, I immediately started to get excited about how we were going to tell our families, specifically: our mothers! Phil just wanted to tell them. He isn't one for big to-dos and he was finding it hard to keep our secret for very long. But I wanted to have a little fan-fare with the announcement. How many times do you get to tell your Moms that you're pregnant for the first time? I wanted it to be memorable. For me that usually means it's got to be corny! And I don't think I failed on that account.
When we told my mom, I was just 6 weeks along. Phil and I drove to Hampstead for a cookout that had already been planned. My mom, her boyfriend Mike, and my Aunt Tammi were there (my Uncle Mike was helping some friends move). In the midst of cooking the cheeseburgers, baked beans and mac 'n cheese, I hold up the pack of hamburger buns and ask, "Do you think we have enough buns? Because if not, I have one in the oven."
Mom was confused at first. "What did you say?" Tammi got it immediately, "No you're not!" Oh yes.
Mom got really excited and happy (and a little emotional) and you can imagine what the topic of conversation was for the rest of the cookout. Mom decided she wants to be called "Grammy." Tammi called Mike and told him to guess who was pregnant. He didn't guess me! But he believed Tammi after a couple of "no, really she is!" affirmations.
When Phil and I told his mom, I was still only 6 weeks along. The family had planned to have a belated birthday dinner for her and we had all met at a local restaurant. We got her a birthday card that was signed by Philip, me and "BB -See you in September, Grandma!"
I'll let the video speak for itself. Phil's step-dad Mark was there with Phil's little 10 year old sister Elizabeth and Philip's sister Felicia with her two children Joseph and Abby. I wish I had been able to get a video of my mom's reaction, but Wendy's reaction was priceless! And I'm so glad we caught it on video. She was so happy.
We told everyone else with much less fan-fare (to Philip's relief), but everyone's reaction has been fantastic and supportive. We are very lucky, and Baby Buehler is very lucky to have so many people who already loves him/her.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Progression of Gestation

In an effort to keep friends and family up to date with the progression of the gestation of Baby Buehler I have created this Baby Buehler blog! I'll be making updates as my pregnancy progresses and letting you all know how I'm feeling. Pictures are fun too!
I think I'll start by showing you all the first picture Phil and I ever took of the whole crazy "pregnancy" thing: the sticks that I peed on! But try not to think about that. Instead, think about how shocked we were when they turned positive! And yes, I had to take both of them. One wasn't enough.
Phil and I had decided we were going to take the "see what happens" approach to procreating. A little over a month later, and we find out I'm pregnant! So while it wasn't a complete shock, it was still pretty surprising to us. We were both excited to see the results (...and nervous, curious, stunned, happy, etc). And thus began our journey.
I am now 13 weeks along and headed into the second trimester. I'm just starting to feel like a bump is forming (baby bump pictures to follow) and I'm also starting to feel pretty good again. I didn't experience very much nausea (thankfully!) but I did experience a few weeks of absolute weariness and "crumminess." I'm anxiously awaiting our next appointment, but it isn't for another couple of weeks. I'll be sure to keep you updated!
Thanks for reading.