Friday, March 26, 2010

Progression of Gestation

In an effort to keep friends and family up to date with the progression of the gestation of Baby Buehler I have created this Baby Buehler blog! I'll be making updates as my pregnancy progresses and letting you all know how I'm feeling. Pictures are fun too!
I think I'll start by showing you all the first picture Phil and I ever took of the whole crazy "pregnancy" thing: the sticks that I peed on! But try not to think about that. Instead, think about how shocked we were when they turned positive! And yes, I had to take both of them. One wasn't enough.
Phil and I had decided we were going to take the "see what happens" approach to procreating. A little over a month later, and we find out I'm pregnant! So while it wasn't a complete shock, it was still pretty surprising to us. We were both excited to see the results (...and nervous, curious, stunned, happy, etc). And thus began our journey.
I am now 13 weeks along and headed into the second trimester. I'm just starting to feel like a bump is forming (baby bump pictures to follow) and I'm also starting to feel pretty good again. I didn't experience very much nausea (thankfully!) but I did experience a few weeks of absolute weariness and "crumminess." I'm anxiously awaiting our next appointment, but it isn't for another couple of weeks. I'll be sure to keep you updated!
Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. I have been trying to refrain from saying that it appears you urinated all over this picture! Please forgive me! And you can delete it!
