Thursday, September 2, 2010

Nine Months

I hit 36 weeks this past Tuesday. Amazing. We've been planning for, talking about, and dreaming about Ridley the entire year of 2010! Whew. And now we're very close to finally getting to meet her. We'll see what her little face looks like, what kind of baby she is and how much trouble we're in with her!

People are asking me how excited I am. And I'm very excited! I am also nervous, scared, happy, curious, etc. I'm just a ball of emotions. Phil is excited and I'd say a little nervous too.

We received our car seat and stroller yesterday (thanks, Tammi!), I have washed her little clothes with mild detergent, and I have all the cloth diapers I could fit under the changing table. We even have a borrowed cradle all set up and ready to rock (thanks, Felicia and Wendy!). And when we travel or go to Grammy's and Grandma's, we have an entire portable nursery (aka a play yard with bassinet, changing pad and mobile--thanks, Mom!). I guess we're all set up, though it doesn't entirely feel like we're ready! Does it ever?

Any gamblers out there want to place bets on when Ridley will decide to arrive? ;-)

Here is my 36 week and 1 day tummy photo:

36 weeks 1 day


  1. Not gonna gamble on dates, but September is a great month! My bday is the 10th, mine & Carl's anniversary is the 16th, and of course "Uncle Mike's" bday is the 22nd. No matter when she's born, she'll always have others in the family with which to celebrate! (I hope she gets her own unique birthday, though.) I'm so excited for you & Phil!! Love you much, mama!

  2. not to mention Mike Brooks' birthday on the 15th, my dad's bday on the 23rd, my friend Stephanie's bday on the 24th and Philip's dad's bday on the 25th! And then Mark's bday (Phil's stepdad) is on Oct 4th. Yes, there are plenty of family with which to celebrate!

  3. I'd like to place my bet!!!

    Monday, October 11th by induction.

    (aka Columbus Day and Canadian Thanksgiving)
