Friday, January 7, 2011

Week One

It's now Friday of my first week back to work, and we haven't made any progress in getting Ridley to take the bottle. The opposite in fact. At this point, I feel like I'm traumatizing her and Philip feels like he's torturing her during the day.
Wednesday we said we were not going to "give in." But come 4pm, she was still not taking the bottle and she was hoarse from screaming her little head off. Well, I "gave in" at that point! Now every time she coos or cries I can hear the hoarseness in her voice and it breaks my heart. People keep saying, "If she gets hungry enough, she'll take it." So I'm supposed to starve her until she takes a bottle? Phil even tried a dropper to at least get milk in her tummy. Nope. She won't swallow it and spits it out. This has to be traumatic for her.
We've tried every suggestion and idea. We've tried EVERY bottle on the shelves. She doesn't like any of them. I've started to notice she bites down on my nipple sometimes now when I nurse her. I feel like we're really throwing her off! And I don't know what to do.
Our last ditch effort is this bottle we ordered online called Adiri. It's supposed to be amazing, and the most breast-like bottle available. Period. But I just don't think she'll ever take to a bottle. I've talked to women from La Leche League who say their little ones never took to it. They just waited the day out until Mom would get home everyday. Then when they were old enough for a sippy cup, they just transitioned on.
Everyone at work seems to be very understanding about the situation, so I'm thankful for that. My boss has told me not to worry about having to leave around lunch time and even said Phil can continue to bring her in to me here at work. But how are things going to work out when Ridley goes to her caregiver during the day? Is this a long term solution?
The good news is that it might be. It seems that a lunchtime feeding paired with plenty of nursing when I get home and in the morning seem to be enough for her (though Philip, who has been staying home with her all day, would probably disagree). I say it may be enough because she's still sleeping okay at night. She's waking up only once around 4 or 5am and then going right back to sleep. And last night she slept through the night (11pm until 7:30am). I still feel horrible that she's only getting a lunchtime feeding through the day because I know she has to be hungry. She was eating every 2-3 hours before this week! And her poor little voice is so hoarse from being tormented with the damn bottle. But I can't afford to quit work. Ahh! Mom guilt.
Ridley is a determined child. And as Philip has said, "She gets it honest."


  1. I'm so sorry, Sunshine! I feel so bad for you guys over this. Just remember that this will be one of those stories that Ridley will one day say, "Mom, you've told me a million times...blah, blah, blah...." She will be okay and things can't be perfect all the time (you guys have a nearly perfect life, no doubt about it)! At least they are understanding at work! I am so proud of you guys!
    You did not transition immediately to the bottle either,and after a couple months you transitioned to a sippy cup (doctors said it was earlier than most babies)! I love yas much!

  2. thank you, mom. we'll get through it!
