I have finished the job that was taking up so much of my time. I'm not really sure how I got through it honestly, but some how, some way I did. Oh yeah! I did it with the help of family and friends! Thanks, guys!!! I was working 13 hour days in a demanding job. I loved it, but it was also VERY stressful. I felt guilty for being away from Ridley so much. And it was just simply hard to cope single mom style. I have SO much respect for single mothers! And my family and friends came through for me and really helped in watching Ridley and letting the dogs out and just reminding me that I was working for Ridley and it was only going to be four weeks.
And I did get through it. Now I'm able to spend more time with Ridley and I'm loving it. This is such a great age!! She's 6 1/2 months now and she's becoming so active! She's pushing up on all fours and rocking back and forth. She is so ready to crawl!
Here are pictures of Ridley enjoying Easter/her 1st cousin Joseph's birthday on Friday.
Loads of more photos/videos to follow.

Great photos sunshine!