Friday, November 11, 2011

Dance Party

The realities of parenthood are so often askew from what you could ever imagine before becoming a parent--good and bad. This morning, I realized (in the moment!) that Ridley and I were living one of those imagined scenarios together. Probably because I have so many fond memories of dancing around in the living room with my mom as a kid, I have always imagined being a mom and dancing around the living room with my hypothetical daughter. Dancing is just a fun shared experience, isn't it?
This morning, as Madonna played in our living room, I held Ridley and we both bopped up and down, smiled and laughed. I'm not sure exactly why this morning in particular felt so special. Ridley and I listen to music and dance together almost on a daily basis. Maybe it's because she's really starting to enjoy the music, enjoy dancing and "sings" along. Maybe it's because we were listening to Madonna (my childhood dancing music!). But it's nice to share something with Ridley and make memories together.

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