Hello week 17!
I'm marking the occasion by starting my prenatal yoga classes this evening and I'm very excited about it! I'm curious to see how prenatal yoga differs from any other type of yoga and I'm excited to get active again. My activity level sort of took a nose dive my first trimester when I felt so lethargic. I dropped my butt on the couch and never really picked it back up! Other than walking and an occasional bout with the elliptical machine, I have definitely been taking advantage of the pregnancy excuse to laze around.
Regardless of that, I'm feeling pretty good entering into my 17th week. It's also my last week at work. OTH is on hiatus and we haven't heard any official word yet if we're getting another season to work. So until they make a decision, there isn't any work for us to do. We (the cast and crew) are all just sitting tight to hear word. Besides the obvious financial worries, the bright side is I'm going to have time to do some much needed redecorating and rearranging of the house to make room for a nursery. Wow, it's crazy just to type that out! There's going to be a nursery in my house...just have to let that idea settle in.
I have had a few headaches, but having been a sufferer of migraines in the past, it hasn't been anything I can't handle! Still, I plan to get a pregnancy-safe prescription from my midwife.
Other than that, not much to report. I see some actual maternity wear shopping in my near future and plan to post another belly "Bump Watch" photo next week.