Ridley had her two month checkup on the 9th. She weighed in at 12 pounds, 8 ounces which puts her in the 90-95% for weight! She's in the 75% for head circumference and 50% for length. She's growing well!
She also had her first set of vaccinations. It was a hard appointment to sit through because she was upset for most of it. I wanted to wait to nurse her until after her shots (so that I could soothe her) so she was hungry and crying as we waited for the doctor, talked to the doctor, sat through the doctor's examination, and then waited for the nurse to administer the shots. When they came in to give her the shots I was already a wreck. I wanted to feed her already and get the shots out of the way! I ended up nursing her a little in between the doctor's examination and the nurse anyway because I couldn't stand it any longer. But I just nursed her long enough to calm her down. The nurse came in finally, put a shot in each leg and quickly left the room to Ridley crying again. I wished she had been as fast to come in and give Ridley the shots as she was to leave the room afterward! I think it was a little over an hour after our appointment time by the time the vaccinations were given. I nursed her right after the shots and it seemed to calm her. Of course the shots took their toll on her because she slept almost the rest of the day. And when she did wake up during the day she was fussy and sore. Although I like to limit medication as much as possible, I gave her a little dose of infant Tylenol to ease the soreness. She did better the next day. I hate to think we have to do that all over again in two months!
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