Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bottle Battles

As I sit here typing this, Philip is in the nursery with our crying baby. We are trying to get her to take the bottle. I hadn't considered the idea that this would be an issue for us. I was so set on breastfeeding and nervous that I might not be able to do so that I made sure I did everything I could so that Ridley would take to the breast. As it turns out, she didn't have a problem taking to it at all. I was told not to introduce the bottle until she was at least four to six weeks old for fear she would prefer the bottle and not go back to the breast. We'll that's definitely not Ridley. She hasn't taken any types of pacifiers either. We've tried a couple of different types of bottle nipples to no avail and we've tried every suggestion we've come across. She has taken about an ounce or so before, but that's been rare. My mother-in-law watched her for us for a couple of hours and said she drank an ounce "under protest." Mostly she'll cry until she either gets the breast or falls asleep or she'll simply chew on the nipple!
She'll have to take it eventually. I will be going back to work in January and there won't be an alternative for her!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sunshine, try holding her as you would when she breast feeds...then, place bottle's nipple close to yours and gently probe bottle's nipple into her mouth...almost tease her to take it! Talk soothingly, but not "baby" talk as you try this! It worked with her "mom"~~~~luvs her girls!!
