Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sweet Sleep

It goes without saying that sleep has been in small supply since Ridley's arrival. The first few weeks home, she wanted to nurse every two hours (or more) from start to finish, day and night. It was exhausting and difficult. But I'm happy to say that she quickly started to get her days and nights sorted out and on December 2nd, she slept through the night for the first time! It seems that moms have different definitions of "sleeping through the night." I read some where that 5 hours was "STTN." I don't know who's night 5 hours is, but it ain't mine. So when I say Ridley slept through the night, I mean 7 hours or more. On December 2nd, she went to bed around 10pm and didn't wake up until 5:45am. I was so excited, I couldn't go back to sleep!
Of course the next night she didn't go to sleep until close to midnight and woke up twice in the night. But she's had a few more nights of full sleep since then. Last night she went to bed around 11:30p and didn't wake up again until 7:45am. I hope these nights get more and more frequent. Now we have to get her to sleep earlier! As of right now, she's asleep (went down around 9pm) and it's the earliest I've ever gotten her to sleep. Here's hoping (and knocking on wood) that tonight is a STTN night.

1 comment:

  1. She certainly didn't take after her mother on that "STTN" matter! You slept through the night 95% of the time while you were an infant! I was one lucky Mom~~still am! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
