Friday, December 24, 2010

Hands On Genius

The last few days and weeks, Ridley has been discovering her hands. She's staring at them, chewing/sucking on them and grabbing things better. Her favorite thing to do is to hold on tight to her burp cloth and munch on it. She's also reaching for things that I hold up for her. Tonight she grabbed a hold of her rattle shaped like a ring and shook it around for a minute or so before dropping it.

While staying with Nana Evelyn on our road trip last weekend, Ridley proved to me that she's a genius. So, I'm just letting everyone know right now: my child is a genius (I may not be the first mother to say that, huh? haha). I was talking to her on the couch and she was in a very talkative mood. She kept "coo-ing" and giving me some crazy facial expressions. She wanted to really tell me something! Then I started cooing back to her and I said, "ooh ooh ooh." And without missing a beat Ridley repeated back to me, "ooh ooh ooh." It was in the same tone and everything! I looked at Phil and Nana Evelyn. "Did you hear that?!" Nana Evelyn chuckled and said she heard it and Phil told me to do it again. So I said, "ooh ooh ooh." And sure enough Ridley repeated it again. We all got a kick out of it and I have witnesses that Ridley is a genius baby! The fact that she hasn't done it again is in no way proof against her genius!! I'm telling you, Ridley is twenty years away from taking over the world.

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